I smiled
Glad she's home with me
Glad I'm her mother
...........her teacher
.............her confidant
...............her passage to womanhood
All in a slow paced world
Carefully, three cups of milk
Maybe a tad too much
Almost a whole stick of butter
Scooped from the crock
Plenty of molasses
Now? Tell me when...now?
Oh, some got on my finger
Yes, you can
Since it's just for us
But don't do that
When company is coming
...wheat grains soaked overnight
Quantified with new hands
But thrilled beyond measure
The fun part
Fun, now
Later, fulfilling
Her family around her
Life sustenance pliable in her hands
Shaping loaves
Warm smells from her kitchen
All in a slow paced world
"Momma, do you have time to...? Oh, never mind, I know you do. We live in the country, and have all the time in the world."
Laura -- January 2010
Recipe for Laura's Bread
3 cups milk
1/3 cup molasses
3/4 stick butter
Heat this to 120* and pour into the dry ingredients

Mix these three in prep for the wet ingredients:
3 cups organic white flour
1 Tbs yeast
1 Tbs salt
Add 4 cups fresh ground wheat which has been soaked overnight. (I will do a post on the health benefits of soaked grains soon.) Either an electric grinder or hand grinder work very well. It's nice to have both for when the electric one wears out...like mine did recently.
When the mixture is just manageable,
Pour onto a floured table
Knead until pliable and smooth. Spray with olive oil and cover with a cloth for 40 minutes.
Divide into two loaf pans, (preferably stoneware since the aluminum carcinogens can leach into your bread) score three cuts into top of the bread to help it rise, spray with olive oil again, and let rise in a warm place for 10 minutes.
Cover loosely with foil. Bake on 350* for 30 minutes. Uncover and bake ten more minutes. Turn out loaves onto a wire cooling rack until completely cool. If covered too soon, the crust and inside will be too doughy. The bread needs to breathe. After cooling, cover with a bag to seal in the freshness...if you've managed to wait until the bread cools before eating it. :)
1 comment:
Yummy, yummy !!
Love all the pics, too.
Happy children,smiling faces,and a good mommy.
Keep that camera rolling ~
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