How can this be?
Almost six foot, threeA blue cap and gown.
Born eleven pounds, six ounces
Two o'clock feedings and horsey bounces
First smile -- giggle -- words, written down.
After one week in a daycare crib
Realizing the World had told a fib
The briefcase was closed and Mamma stayed home.Dandelion flowers, dirt piles and skates
Legos, cars, a balloon sale, check-mates
Who would have dreamed how fast he'd be grown?
Compassionate, hard working, friendly and true
They ask, "Is he this way even at home with just you?"
Yes, he's the same -- a real man all the time.
A guinea pig first born child
A lickety split Mother, his Father steady and mild
The prodigy, an objective thinker who spins his truck on a dime.
That first embrace when just a babe
And all the memories that have since been made
Seeds sown -- what a glorious reaping!
Cotton top hair, now brown, too soon grey
One thought on this graduation day
May the Lord continue his keeping.
How can this be?
A blue cap and gown.
Connie Riggs
Connie Riggs

Beautiful poem Connie. Did you write it?
Hi Nicole
Yes, I wrote it. Thanks for commenting on it. :)
I can't believe how fast time has flown. It sure makes me want to hang on to every minute with these younger two....but, isn't that always what people tell you it will be like?
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