July 29, 2009

No-name Salmon

I can't decide what to call this salmon recipe. It has lots of Latin flavor - cumin, garlic, oregano, black beans, corn, and salsa. It was easy enough to make, but Mexican Salmon seems, well, just a little too dull...

Begin with as many fresh ingredients as possible.

Wild caught salmon from the Pacific has the least mercury content.

Pan sear in butter and spices.

This was fun to plate up.

Just in from a hard day's work and ready to finish building a burrito.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Name it "Connie's Salmon". I have several recipes at my house that begin with "Connie's". LOL That looks soooo good. I'll have to try it. So far my most famous recipe with Keith, kids, neighbors, and friends is "Connie's Pot Pie". :)

